身處在開發Android的公司,adb指令可以說是跟mobile device有非常密切的關係,舉凡push, pull data到devices上,甚至debug除錯等,都會需要使用到adb工具,所以了解並熟悉adb的一些指令對於開發上具有非常大之幫助。
1.adb devices (顯示目前有多少個模擬器正在執行)
2.adb -s (指定模擬器來操作)
Ex:adb -s emulator-5554 install camera.apk
3.adb install apkfile (安裝 APK 應用程式套件)
Ex:adb install camera.apk
4.adb uninstall package (移除 APK 應用程式套件)
Ex:adb uninstall com.android.camera
5.adb shell (進入 Android 系統指令列模式)
6.adb push (複製檔案到 SD 卡)
Ex:adb push mp3 /sdcard
7.adb pull . (從 Android 系統下載檔案)
Ex:adb pull /data/app/com.android.email
8.adb logcat(印出device的log)
9.adb shell procrank
PID Vss Rss Pss Uss cmdline 580 139500K 139500K 62611K 57112K Weather 134 94412K 94412K 27817K 22804K /system/bin/lockscreend 915 91120K 91120K 14487K 9272K WidgetTest |
Column Name | Meaning |
VSS | Virtual Set Size: how much virtual memory associated with process |
RSS | Resident Set Size: how much physical pages allocated for the process. Pages shared between processes are counted multiple times |
PSS | Proportional Set Size. Take the RSS number but evenly distribute shared pages among the sharing processes. For example, if three processes are sharing 3MB, each process gets 1MB in PSS. |
USS | Also known as Private Dirty, which is basically the amount of RAM inside the process that can not be paged to disk (it is not backed by the same data on disk), and is not shared with any other processes. |
10. adb shell input text 'ABCD'